
This site is created using Wikimapia data. Wikimapia is an open-content collaborative map project contributed by volunteers around the world. It contains information about 32328740 places and counting. Learn more about Wikimapia and cityguides.


Ferizaj or Uroševac (Albanian: Ferizaj or Ferizaji; Serbian: Урошевац, Uroševac) is a city and municipality in southern Kosovo, located some 38 kilometers south of the capital Pristina. Ferizaj is the third most populous city in Kosovo, after Pristina and Prizren. It is the administrative centre of the homonymous district.
Its population is estimated at 108,690.

Recent city comments:

  • Betim, Is bean teacher (guest) wrote 11 years ago:
    is very god
  • Shkëlqimi futsal court, Feride (guest) wrote 11 years ago:
    Lagjja e Re and the school Ganimete Terbeshi are on the wrong place in Ferizaj
Ferizaj on the map.

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